
With the 7.0 release in May 2024, "Kasten by Veeam" and "Kasten K10" have been replaced with "Veeam Kasten for Kubernetes." Throughout this documentation, references to "K10" will be modified to include both the new and simpler "Veeam Kasten" names. Both names will be used for a while, and then the documentation will be modified only to use the new names. The name K10 is still used for functional examples.

This documentation is specific to deploying and managing Veeam Kasten using the AWS Marketplace. For other deployment scenarios, please refer to General Install Instructions.


The Veeam Kasten data management platform, purpose-built for Kubernetes, provides enterprise operations teams an easy-to-use, scalable, and secure system for backup/restore, disaster recovery, and mobility of Kubernetes applications. Veeam Kasten’s application-centric approach and deep integrations with relational and NoSQL databases, Kubernetes distributions, and all clouds provides teams the freedom of infrastructure choice without sacrificing operational simplicity.

Policy-driven and extensible, Veeam Kasten provides a native Kubernetes API and includes features such full-spectrum consistency, database integrations, automatic application discovery, multi-cloud mobility, and a powerful web-based user interface.



  • An Amazon EKS cluster with a configured OIDC provider Amazon EKS OIDC configuration

  • A Kubernetes ServiceAccount with arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess

$ eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name k10-metering \
    --namespace kasten-io \
    --cluster aws-eks-cluster \
    --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess \

AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess is an AWS-provided policy and looks like:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": "*"

The following command will enable OIDC on an existing EKS cluster:

$ eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --name aws-eks-cluster \

Install from AWS Marketplace

To deploy Veeam Kasten from the AWS Marketplace:

For detailed documentation on how to use Veeam Kasten once installed, please refer to Using Veeam Kasten.

Delete Veeam Kasten

To delete a Veeam Kasten installation:

$ helm uninstall k10 --namespace=kasten-io