This documentation is specific to deploying and managing Kasten K10 using the AWS Marketplace. For other deployment scenarios, please refer to General Install Instructions.


The K10 data management platform, purpose-built for Kubernetes, provides enterprise operations teams an easy-to-use, scalable, and secure system for backup/restore, disaster recovery, and mobility of Kubernetes applications. K10’s application-centric approach and deep integrations with relational and NoSQL databases, Kubernetes distributions, and all clouds provides teams the freedom of infrastructure choice without sacrificing operational simplicity.

Policy-driven and extensible, K10 provides a native Kubernetes API and includes features such full-spectrum consistency, database integrations, automatic application discovery, multi-cloud mobility, and a powerful web-based user interface.



  • An Amazon EKS cluster with a configured OIDC provider Amazon EKS OIDC configuration

  • A Kubernetes ServiceAccount with arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess

$ eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name k10-metering \
    --namespace kasten-io \
    --cluster aws-eks-cluster \
    --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess \

AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess is an AWS-provided policy and looks like:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": "*"

The following command will enable OIDC on an existing EKS cluster:

$ eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --name aws-eks-cluster \

Install from AWS Marketplace

To deploy Kasten K10 from the AWS Marketplace:

For detailed documentation on how to use Kasten K10 once installed, please refer to Using K10.

Delete K10

To delete a Kasten K10 installation:

$ helm uninstall k10 --namespace=kasten-io