
A Profile custom resource (CR) is used to perform operations on K10 Profiles. You can learn more about using K10 Profiles at Location Configuration.

Example Profile Operations

Create Profile Secret

When creating a Profile, you first need to create a Kubernetes secret that holds the credentials for the location associated with the profile. The examples below use an S3 bucket and therefore requires a properly formatted S3 secret.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-s3-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --type \
      --from-literal=aws_access_key_id=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \

For complete documentation of secret formats, refer to Profile Secret Types.

Create Location Profile

With a secret already defined, you can now create a Location Profile. Location profiles can be used for import as well as export operations

$ cat <<EOF >>sample-profile.yaml
kind: Profile
  name: sample-profile
  namespace: kasten-io
  type: Location
      secretType: AwsAccessKey
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        name: k10-s3-secret
        namespace: kasten-io
    type: ObjectStore
      name: profile-s3-bucket
      objectStoreType: S3
      region: us-east-2

$ kubectl apply -f sample-profile.yaml created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                    STATUS
sample-profile          Running
sample-profile          Success

For complete documentation of the Profile CR, refer to Profile API Type.

Create Infrastructure Profile

The example demonstrates how to create a Ceph Infrastructure Profile, but an analogous approach applies to creating an OpenStack Profile.

First, create a secret with the Ceph provider credentials as described in Ceph KeyRing Secret.

$ cat <<EOF >>sample-ceph-profile.yaml
kind: Profile
  name: sample-ceph-profile
  namespace: kasten-io
  type: Infra
    type: Ceph
      pool: my-pool
      secretType: cephKeyring
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        name: k10-ceph-infra-secret
        namespace: kasten-io

$ kubectl apply -f sample-ceph-profile.yaml created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                         STATUS
sample-ceph-profile          Running
sample-ceph-profile          Success

For complete documentation of the Profile CR, refer to Profile API Type.

Create Kanister Profile

Similarly to a Location Profile, you can create a Kanister Profile which is used to store artifacts generated for applications instrumented with a Kanister blueprint. K10 will currently use the earliest created Kanister Profile.

$ cat <<EOF >>kanister-profile.yaml
 kind: Profile
   name: kanister-profile
   namespace: kasten-io
   type: Kanister
       secretType: AwsAccessKey
         apiVersion: v1
         kind: Secret
         name: k10-s3-secret
         namespace: kasten-io
       type: ObjectStore
         name: profile-s3-bucket
         objectStoreType: S3
         region: us-east-2

$ kubectl apply -f kanister-profile.yaml created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                    STATUS
kanister-profile          Running
kanister-profile          Success

For complete documentation of the Profile CR, refer to Profile API Type.

Update Profile

To update a Profile edit the spec portion of a Profile CR using your preferred method of submitting resource changes with kubectl.

$ kubectl apply -f sample-profile-changed.yaml configured

Once the change is submitted, K10 will re-validate the profile and update .status.validation accordingly.

$ kubectl get -w
NAME                    STATUS
sample-profile          Running
sample-profile          Success

Since K10 processes API object changes asynchronously, to avoid confusion with a previous Profile status, it is recommended as convention that the status portion of the Profile is omitted when submitting changes.

Delete Profile

You can delete a Profile using the following command.

# delete profile "sample-profile" for K10 installed in "kasten-io"
$ kubectl delete sample-profile --namespace kasten-io "sample-profile" deleted

Profile API Type

The following is a complete specification of the Profile CR.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Profile
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Profile name. May be any valid Kubernetes object name. Required.
  # Profile name is not mutable once created.
  name: sample-location-profile
  # Profile namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Profile parameters. Required.
  # Type of Profile. Required
  # Valid values are Location, Kanister, Infra
  type: Location

  # Only one of the profile type sections can be specified
  # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
    # Credentials associated with profile location. Required.
      # Type of secret being specified. Required.
      # Valid values are:
      #   # AwsAccessKey (Amazon S3 and Generic S3)
      #   # GcpServiceAccountKey (Google Cloud Storage)
      #   # AzStorageAccount (Azure Storage)
      secretType: AwsAccessKey
      # Reference to K8s secret with credentials of secretType. Required.
        # Standard Kubernetes API Version. Must be 'v1'. Required.
        apiVersion: v1
        # Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Must be 'secret'. Required.
        kind: secret
        # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
        name: sample-profile-secret
        # Secret namespace. Must be K10 installed namespace . Required.
        namespace: kasten-io
    # Location for profile data. Required.
      # Type of location being specified. Required.
      # Valid values are ObjectStore, FileStore
      locationType: ObjectStore
      # When the type above is ObjectStore. Required.
      # Only one of the location type sections can be specified
        # Type of object store. Required
        # Valid values are:
        #   # S3 (Amazon S3 and Generic S3)
        #   # GCS (Google Cloud Storage)
        #   # Azure (Azure Storage)
        objectStoreType: S3
        # The endpoint for object store API. Optional.
        # Can be omitted unless an S3 compatible provider is used.
        endpoint: ''
        # If set to true, do not verify SSL cert. Optional.
        # Default, when omitted, is false
        skipSSLVerify: false
        # Name of the object store bucket. Required
        name: gmm-test
        # Region valid for the object store provider.
        # Required, if supported by provider.
        # If provider does not support region, pass ""
        region: us-east-2
        # Path within bucket for profile artifacts. Optional.
        # If not used, it will be generated by the system and
        # updated during delayed initialization and validation.
        # If used, it requires pathType below as well.
        path: k10/q4ees3b2zilluaxw/migration
        # Type of the path within the bucket above. Optional.
        # Defaults to Directory if not specified.
        pathType: Directory
        # The protection period for immutable backups. Optional.
        # Must be shorter than the bucket default retention
        # period minus 20 days.
        protectionPeriod: 240h
      # When the type above is FileStore. Required.
      # Only one of the location type sections can be specified
        # Name of the Persistent Volume Claim. Required.
        claimName: test-pvc
        # Path within the PVC mount for profile artifacts. Optional.
        # If not used, it will be generated by the system and
        # updated during delayed initialization and validation.
        path: k10/q4ees3b2zilluaxw/migration
    # Optional: Make export to this profile infra-portable.
    # Default: false
    infraPortable: false

   # When type above is Kanister - Kanister profile. Required.
   # Only one of the  profile type sections can be specified
   # K10 currently only uses the oldest valid Kanister profile
   # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
     # Credentials associated with profile location. Required.
       # same content as credential in location above
     # Location for profile data. Required.
       # same content as location in location above

  # When type above is Infra - Infrastructure profile. Required.
  # Only one of the following profile type sections can be specified
  # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
    # type of Infrastructure profile. Required
    # Valid values are OpenStack, Ceph, Portworx or VSphere
    type: OpenStack
    # When type of this Infra profile above is OpenStack. Required.
    # Only one of the following infra profiles can be specified
    # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
      # Endpoint for the Keystone auth provider. Required
      keystoneEndpoint: https://my-keystone-ip:1234

    # When type of this Infra profile above is OpenStack. Required.
    # Only one of the following infra profiles can be specified
    # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
      # Endpoint for the Ceph monitor to be used. Required.
      # Name of the Ceph pool associated with this profile. Required.
      pool: my-ceph-pool
      # The namespace of the Portworx service.
      namespace: kube-system
      # The name of the Portworx service.
      serviceName: portworx-service
      # The vSphere endpoint
    # Credentials associated with the infrastructure provider. Required.
      # Type of secret being specified. Required.
      # Valid values are:
      #   # OpenStackAccount (OpenStack storage provider)
      #   # CephKeyring (Ceph storage provider)
      #   # PortworxKey (Portworx storage provider)
      #   # VSphereKey  (vSphere storage provider)
      secretType: OpenStackAccount
      # Reference to K8s secret with credentials of secretType. Required.
        # Same format as above
        # #####################
# Status of the Profile. Users should not set any data here.
      # Validation status of the Profile
      # Valid values are:
      #   # Pending - profile has been created
      #   # Running - undergoing initialization and validation
      #   # Success - successfully initialized and validated
      #   # Failed - not properly initialized on validated
      # Only profiles which have status of Success should be used
      validation: Success
      # An array of any validation or initialization errors encountered.
      error: null
      # Hash of the spec portion of the profile.
      # Used internally to determine when successfully validated profiles
      # need to be reprocessed.
      hash: 3369880242

Profile Secret Types

The following are the different secret types and formats to be used with profiles.

AWS S3 and S3 Compatible Bucket

When a Profile is using an S3 or S3-compatible bucket location, the credential secret must follow the format below. In order to use temporary security credentials, you can generate an IAM role and provide it as a part of the S3 secret as shown below. K10 supports the generation of temporary credentials to perform generic backups, export collections to an object store, and for EBS/EFS snapshot operations.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-s3-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for key with proper permissions for the bucket
  aws_access_key_id: QUtJQUlPU0ZPRE5ON0VYQU1QTEUK
  # Base64 encoded value for the secret corresponding to the key above
  aws_secret_access_key: d0phbHJYVXRuRkVNSS9LN01ERU5HL2JQeFJmaUNZRVhBTVBMRUtFWQo=
  # (optional field) Base64 encoded value for AWS IAM role
  role: YXJuOmF3czppYW06OjAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDpyb2xlL2Zha2Utcm9sZQo=

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-s3-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --type \
      --from-literal=aws_access_key_id=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \

GCS Bucket

When a Profile is using a GCS Storage bucket location the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-gcs-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for project with proper permissions for the bucket
  project-id: bXktcHJvamVjdC1pZAo=
  # Base64 encoded value for the SA with proper permissions for the bucket
  # This value is base64 encoding of the service account json file when
  # creating a new service account.
  service-account.json: <base64 encoded SA json file>

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows. The example assumes that GCP service account json with the proper permissions for accessing your bucket is in your working directory.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-gcs-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=project-id=my-project-id \

Azure Storage Bucket

When a Profile is using an Azure Storage bucket location the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-azure-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for account with proper permissions for the bucket
  azure_storage_account_id: QUtJQUlPU0ZPRE5ON0VYQU1QTEVBQ0NUCg==
  # Base64 encoded value for the key corresponding to the account above
  azure_storage_key: d0phbHJYVXRuRkVNSS9LN01ERU5HL2JQeFJmaUNZRVhBTVBMRUtFWQo=

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-azure-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=azure_storage_account_id=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLEACCT \

Ceph KeyRing Secret

When an Infrastructure Profile is being configured for Ceph storage access the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-ceph-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for the client.user to be used with the Ceph provider
  # The value should not include the 'client' portion of the user name.
  ceph_user: Y2VwaC11c2VyCg==
  # Base64 encoded value for the (already base64 encoded) keyring file to be used
  # with the user.
  ceph_keyring: <base64 encoded key ring file>

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-ceph-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=ceph_user=sample-ceph-user \

OpenStack Account Secret

When an Infrastructure Profile is being configured for accessing storage that support the Open Stack Cinder interface the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-openstack-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for an OpenStack user name to use with provider
  os_username: b3MtdXNlcm5hbWUK
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack password
  os_password: b3MtcGFzc3dvcmQK
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack domain
  os_domain: b3MtZG9tYWluCg==
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack project
  os_project: b3MtcHJvamVjdAo=
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack region
  os_region: b3MtcmVnaW9u

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-openstack-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=os_username=my-os-username \
      --from-literal=os_password=my-os-password-user \
      --from-literal=os_domain=my-os-domain \

Portworx Key Secret

When an Infrastructure Profile is being configured for accessing storage that supports the Portworx interface, the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-portworx-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for a Portworx jwt issuer.
  pwx_issuer: cHd4X2lzc3Vlcg==
  # Base64 encoded value for a Portworx jwt secret.
  pwx_secret: cHd4X3NlY3JldA==

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-portworx-infra-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=pwx_issuer=my-pwx-issuer \

vSphere Key Secret

When an Infrastructure Profile is being configured for accessing storage that supports the vSphere interface, the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-vsphere-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for a vSphere user.
  vsphere_user: dnNwaGVyZV91c2Vy
  # Base64 encoded value for a vSphere password.
  vsphere_password: dnNwaGVyZV9wYXNzd29yZA==

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-vsphere-infra-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=vsphere_user=my-vsphere-user \