Restore Points
A RestorePoint API resource is used to represent a Application that is captured at a specific time as a result of a BackupAction or a RestoreAction.
A RestorePoint resides in the namespace of the Application and access to it can be controlled using Kubernetes RBAC role and binding for the RestorePoint API.
List RestorePoint Example
The following example illustrates listing all RestorePoints for a sample application.
# list restore point in namespace 'sample-app'
$ kubectl get --namespace sample-app
sample-app-backup-rp-raq923 1h
sample-app-backup-rp-rdq309 2h
Get RestorePoint Details Example
In addition to getting a RestorePoint, you can also query the details associated with the restore point. You would use the details sub-resource for that purpose.
# get the details for restorepoint 'sample-app-backup-rp-raq923' created in 'mysql' namespace
# yq only used for readability
$ kubectl get --raw /apis/ | yq -y .status.restorePointDetails
Delete RestorePoint Example
For RestorePoints created by policy, RestorePoints will automatically be deleted as part of the retention scheme that is specified.
A Veeam Kasten administrator may chose to not enable RBAC that allows deleting RestorePoints directly in order to force such operations to happen through policy retirement only.
# delete restore point 'sample-app-backup-rp-raq923' in namespace 'sample-app'
$ kubectl delete sample-app-backup-rp-raq923 --namespace sample-app deleted
Currently, deleting a RestorePoint manually does not delete the underlying resources. For all associated resources (e.g. persistent volumes, application-level artifacts, etc.) to be reclaimed, see, Delete RestorePointContent Example
Creating RestorePoint from RestorePointContent Example
When an application which has previously been protected by Veeam Kasten is deleted, the RestorePoints associated with the application are no longer available, but the corresponding RestorePointContent resources remain available. A Veeam Kasten administrator has the opportunity re-create a RestorePoint that would be bound to the RestorePointContent.
The following example illustrates creating a RestorePoint in the mysql
namespace. The operation requires that the caller has read access to the
RestorePointContent resource.
$ cat > create-rp-from-rpc.yaml <<EOF
kind: RestorePoint
name: new-restore-point
namespace: mysql
name: rpc-mysql-backup
$ kubectl create -f create-rp-from-rpc.yaml created
#validate that the new restore point is bound
$ kubectl get new-restore-point --namespace mysql \
RestorePoint API Type
The following is a complete specification of the RestorePoint resource.
# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: RestorePoint
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
# Name of the RestorePoint. Required.
name: sample-restore-point
# Namespace of the RestorePoint. Required.
namespace: sample-app
# Kubernetes labels
# Labels that can be used for filtering.
# Automatically populated when creating the the resource sample-app sample-app
# Restore point resource parameters
# Reference to the underlying RestorePointContent resource.
# When creating a RestorePoint the caller need to have
# read access to the RestorePointContent being referenced.
# Name of the underlying RestorePointContent resource
name: rpc-sample-app-backip-art245
# Status of the RestorePointContent. Users should not set any data here.
# State of the resource.
# Possible values:
# Bound - corresponding RestorePoint resource exists
# Unbound - no RestorePoint references the resource
state: Bound
# Size of the volumes contained within this RestorePoint.
logicalSizeBytes: 17179869184
# Reported size of the snapshots contained within this RestorePoint.
physicalSizeBytes: 4852012
# Scheduled backup or import time associated with the resource.
# Could be 'null' for on-demand actions.
scheduledTime: '2019-02-11T03:03:47Z'
# Time of actual creation by the corresponding action
actionCreationTime: '2019-02-11T03:03:47Z'
A RestorePointContent API resource backs the content of a RestorePoint.
When a RestorePoint exists for a given RestorePointContent, that RestorePointContent resource is bound. If there is no corresponding RestorePoint (e.g. application was deleted), then the resource is unbound.
Deletion of a RestorePointContent resource frees up the artifacts associated with the restore point content and deletes any bound RestorePointContents.
Access to RestorePointContent is typically reserved for users with Veeam Kasten administrative privileges through Kubernetes RBAC since the resources are cluster-scoped.
List RestorePointContent Example
RestorePointContent resources can be listed similarly to RestorePoint resources, but the operation is non-namespaced.
In addition, to get the RestorePointContent resources associated with a specific Application, you can use a label selector to constrain your query.
# list RestorePointContent resources for 'sample-app'
# assume Veeam Kasten is installed in 'kasten-io'
$ kubectl get \
sample-app-backup-rp-raq923 1h
sample-app-backup-rp-rdq309 2h
Get RestorePointContent Details Example
In addition to getting a RestorePointContent, you can also query the details associated with the restore point content. You would use the details sub-resource for that purpose.
# get the details for restorepointcontent 'sample-app-backup-rp-raq923'
# yq only used for readability
$ kubectl get --raw /apis/ | yq -y .status.restorePointContentDetails
Delete RestorePointContent Example
In addition to policy-based deletion of RestorePoints and RestorePointContents, you can explicitly delete a RestorePointContent. Deleting a RestorePointContent will cause its bound RestorePoints and all associated resources (e.g. persistent volumes, application-level artifacts, etc.) to be reclaimed.
Deleting a RestorePointContent resource creates a RetireAction that can be examined to monitor progress of the retirement.
Deletion of a RestorePointContent is permanent and overrides retention by a Policy.
Some resources associated with the deleted restore point content may be cleaned immediately, while others, such as backup data exported to an object store, may take much longer to be completely removed. Data references shared between restore points, aggregated data awaiting garbage collection, version retention for immutable backups, and safety windows for re-referencing data are among the reasons why retiring a restore point might not immediately free up space in the underlying storage.
Additionally, due to data deduplication, some retirements may result in minimal or no resource usage reclamation. It is important to note that the increase in storage usage when creating a restore point does not reflect the expected space reclamation once the restore point is cleaned up.
The following example illustrates deleting a RestorePointContent. The operation requires that the caller has delete access to the RestorePointContent resource.
# delete restore point content 'sample-app-backup-rpc-raq923'
$ kubectl delete sample-app-backup-rpc-raq923 deleted
RestorePointContent API Type
The following is a complete specification of the RestorePointContent resource.
The RestorePointContent resource cannot be created directly.
# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: RestorePointContent
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
# Name of the RestorePointContent. Required.
name: sample-restore-point-content
# Kubernetes labels
# Labels that can be used fot filtering.
# Automatically populated when creating the the resource sample-app sample-app
# Status of the RestorePointContent. Users should not set any data here.
# State of the resource.
# Possible values:
# Bound - corresponding RestorePoint resource exists
# Unbound - no RestorePoint references the resource
state: Bound
# Scheduled backup or import time associated with the resource.
# Could be 'null' for on-demand actions.
scheduledTime: '2019-02-11T03:03:47Z'
# Time of actual creation by the corresponding action
actionCreationTime: '2019-02-11T03:03:47Z'
A ClusterRestorePoint API resource is created by a BackupClusterAction that captures cluster-scoped resources. A RestoreClusterAction is used to restore cluster-scoped resources from a ClusterRestorePoint.
Deleting a ClusterRestorePoint resource frees up the artifacts associated with it.
Access to ClusterRestorePoint is typically reserved for users with Veeam Kasten administrative privileges through Kubernetes RBAC since the resources are cluster-scoped.
List ClusterRestorePoint Example
ClusterRestorePoint resources can be listed similarly to RestorePoint resources, but the operation is non-namespaced.
# list ClusterRestorePoint resources
$ kubectl get
scheduled-6b5s8 2020-12-29T23:57:20Z
scheduled-szmhn 2020-12-28T23:57:16Z
backup-cluster-action-fqbrndc5bz 2020-12-22T00:27:37Z
backup-cluster-action-fqbrn 2020-12-22T00:22:30Z
scheduled-w86gf 2020-12-21T22:08:30Z
backup-cluster-action-dnxl6 2020-12-19T01:20:53Z
Delete ClusterRestorePoint Example
In addition to policy-based deletion of ClusterRestorePoints, a ClusterRestorePoint can be directly deleted.
Deleting a ClusterRestorePoint resource creates a RetireAction that frees up the artifacts associated with the ClusterRestorePoint and that can be examined to monitor progress of the retirement.
Deletion of a ClusterRestorePoint is permanent and overrides retention by a Policy.
The following example illustrates deleting a ClusterRestorePoint. The operation requires that the caller has delete access to the ClusterRestorePoint resource.
# delete cluster restore point 'backup-cluster-action-raq923'
$ kubectl delete backup-cluster-action-raq923 "backup-cluster-action-raq923" deleted
ClusterRestorePoint API Type
The following is a complete specification of the ClusterRestorePoint resource.
The RestorePointContent resource cannot be created directly.
# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: ClusterRestorePoint
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
# Name of the ClusterRestorePoint. Required.
name: sample-cluster-restore-point
# Kubernetes labels
# Labels that can be used fot filtering.
# Populated for policy initiated BackupClusterAction only. "sample-originating-policy" "namespace-of-policy"
# Status of the ClusterRestorePoint. Users should not set any data here.
# Scheduled backup or import time associated with the resource.
# Could be 'null' for on-demand actions.
scheduledTime: '2019-02-11T03:03:47Z'
# Time of actual creation by the corresponding action
actionTime: '2019-02-11T03:03:47Z'