Configuring K10 Encryption

K10 supports encryption for data and metadata stored in an object store or an NFS file store (e.g., for cross-cloud snapshot migration) via the use of the AES-256-GCM encryption algorithm. You can enable encryption for external data and metadata by creating a Passkey (more information below). In particular, K10 allows users to have multiple Passkeys but, in the common case, there will be one Passkey in use.

A Passkey API resource is used to add, edit, list or remove a Passkey used for data and metadata encryption.


The Passkey passphrase should be stored separately in a secure location for K10 Disaster Recovery.

Bootstrapping Passkeys Before Install

If you do not specify a cluster secret, a Passkey with a random passphrase will be generated by K10 during install. The randomly generated Passkey can be changed via the Changing Passkeys instructions. However, if the passphrase needs to be specified before install, it can be done via the creation of a Kubernetes secret with a well-known name (k10-cluster-passphrase) in the namespace you will install K10 in (default kasten-io):


Once the cluster secret is set or auto-generated, do not modify or delete the cluster secret directly, please follow the Passkey change workflow below.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-cluster-passphrase \
    --namespace kasten-io \
    --from-literal passphrase=<key>

PassKey Management

Creating Passkeys

A Passkey expects a Kubernetes Secret to be provided which contains the passphrase. This can be done via the creation of a Kubernetes secret in the K10 namespace:

$ kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> \
    --namespace kasten-io \
    --from-literal passphrase=<key>

As shown below, this secret can then be used to create a Passkey. Note that Passkeys are non-namespaced.

$ cat > sample-passkey.yaml <<EOF
kind: Passkey
  name: passkey1
    # Reference to the passkey secret
    name: <secret-name>
    namespace: kasten-io
  usenow: false

$ kubectl create -f sample-passkey.yaml created

If usenow is set to true, while adding a Passkey, it will become the default Passkey. For changing the default (in use) Passkey, take a look at the Changing Passkeys instructions.

Multiple Passkeys can have their usenow flags sets but only one Passkey will be in use at any point in time. The Passkey that is most recently added with usenow set to true, will be the Passkey in use.

You can verify which Passkey is inuse by listing the Passkeys and checking the status. The status of the Passkey in use will have the inuse flag set to true.

Listing Passkeys

To list all Passkeys, simply run:

$ kubectl get
NAME              AGE
passkey1          1h
passkey2          2h

Getting Passkeys

To get a specific Passkey, run:

$ kubectl get passkey1
NAME              AGE
passkey1          1h

You may see additional Passkey detail by using the -o yaml option:

$ kubectl get passkey1 -o yaml
  name: passkey1
  creationtimestamp: <creation-time>
  inuse: true

Deleting Passkeys

You can delete existing Passkeys if they are no longer required. If a Passkey is currently in use or only one Passkey exists, it cannot be deleted.

$ kubectl delete passkey1 deleted

Changing Passkeys

K10 allows you to change the current Passkey used for data and metadata encryption.

To change the Passkey, first add a new Passkey by following the instructions for adding Passkeys, but set the usenow flag to true.

You can then delete the old Passkey by following the instructions for deleting Passkeys.