Kanister Execution Hooks

Kanister Blueprints can be used to execute arbitrary functionality before or after K10 Actions.

To use a Blueprint to define an execution hook, create the Blueprint in the K10 namespace and add a reference to one of the Blueprint's actions in a Policy or Action.

  1. For snapshot/export actions, these execution hooks operate on namespaces and can be set independently. The namespace is the source namespace where the application being snapshotted/exported is deployed. A hook blueprint can use this namespace via template parameters like {{ .Namespace.Name }}

  2. For restore actions, the execution hooks can operate on other Kubernetes resources as well. The resource on which the hook would operate can be selected on the dashboard as shown in the image below. For example, if a StatefulSet is selected as the target resource, a hook blueprint can access it via template parameters like {{ .StatefulSet.Name }}. Only the resources created in the target namespace can be selected as a subject. If no target resource is selected, namespace would be the target resource.

Policies that apply to multiple namespaces will invoke hooks on each namespace.

Execution hooks do not require location profiles and hook Blueprint actions cannot use template parameters and helpers such as {{ .Profile.Location.Bucket }} or kando location.

For example, the following Blueprint defines a hook which updates a label on the namespace that was snapshotted.

apiVersion: cr.kanister.io/v1alpha1
kind: Blueprint
  name: hook-blueprint
  namespace: kasten-io
    kind: Namespace
    - func: KubeTask
      name: hookPhase
          serviceAccountName: "k10-k10"
        image: bitnami/kubectl
        - /bin/sh
        - -c
        - |
          kubectl patch namespace "{{ .Namespace.Name }}" --type json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/labels/migrate"}]'

The following Blueprint defines a hook which checks if a particular pod is ready after restore.

apiVersion: cr.kanister.io/v1alpha1
kind: Blueprint
  name: hook-blueprint
  namespace: kasten-io
    - func: Wait
      name: WaitForPod
        timeout: 120s
         - condition: '{{ if { $.status.containerStatuses[].ready } }}true{{ else }}false{{ end }}'
            apiVersion: v1
            resource: pods
            name: '{{ .StatefulSet.Name }}'
            namespace: '{{ .StatefulSet.Namespace }}'

A hook reference may include preHook, onSuccess, or onFailure:

  • A preHook action is executed before the K10 Action (after any K10 setup steps have succeeded).

  • An onSuccess action is executed after the K10 Action has succeeded.

  • An onFailure action is executed when there is a failure in an earlier step and K10 has reached its retry limit.

Once successful, hook actions are not retried. If a preHook or onSuccess action fails, it may be retried by K10. If an onFailure action fails, K10 will not retry. Execution hooks may or may not be invoked when a K10 Action is cancelled asynchronously.

Kanister artifacts returned as outputArtifacts by the hook Blueprint action for preHook are passed as inputArtifacts to any hook Blueprint action for onSuccess or onFailure.

For example, the following hook reference specifies an execution hook for before a Restore Action and the error and non-error cases:

    blueprint: hook-blueprint
    actionName: pre-restore
    blueprint: hook-blueprint
    actionName: post-restore
       name: mysql-statefulset
       namespace: mysql
       type: statefulset
    blueprint: hook-blueprint
    actionName: post-restore-failed

Look here to see how to embed hook references in API objects.

Note, using VBR as a profile for blueprint based backups is currently unsupported.