
A Policy custom resource (CR) is used to perform operations on K10 Policies. K10 Policies allow you to manage application protection and migration at scale. You can learn more about using K10 Policies in the Protecting Applications section.

Example Policy Operations

Create a Backup Policy

The following example illustrates how to create a backup policy which executes hourly and retains 24 hourly and 7 daily snapshots. The policy covers an application running in the namespace sampleApp.

$ cat > sample-backup-policy.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: config.kio.kasten.io/v1alpha1
kind: Policy
  name: sample-backup-policy
  namespace: kasten-io
  comment: My sample backup policy
  frequency: '@hourly'
    hourly: 24
    daily: 7
  - action: backup
      k10.kasten.io/appNamespace: sampleApp

$ kubectl apply -f sample-backup-policy.yaml
policy.config.kio.kasten.io/sample-backup-policy created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get policies.config.kio.kasten.io --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                          STATUS
sample-backup-policy          Running
sample-backup-policy          Success

For complete documentation of the Policy CR, refer to Policy API Type.

Create an Import Policy

The following example illustrates how to create a policy which executes hourly and imports an application that was previously exported to the application-imports Profile.

$ cat > sample-import-policy.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: config.kio.kasten.io/v1alpha1
kind: Policy
  name: sample-import-policy
  namespace: kasten-io
  comment: My sample import policy
  frequency: '@hourly'
  - action: import
        namespace: kasten-io
        name: application-imports
      receiveString: <encoded string received on Export>

$ kubectl apply -f sample-import-policy.yaml
policy.config.kio.kasten.io/sample-import-policy created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get policies.config.kio.kasten.io --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                          STATUS
sample-import-policy          Running
sample-import-policy          Success

For complete documentation of the Policy CR, refer to Policy API Type.

Update a Policy

To update a Policy, edit the spec portion of a Policy CR using your preferred method of submitting resource changes with kubectl.

$ kubectl apply -f sample-backup-policy-changed.yaml
policy.config.kio.kasten.io/sample-backup-policy configured

Once the change is submitted, K10 will re-validate the Policy and update .status.validation accordingly.

$ kubectl get policies.config.kio.kasten.io -w
NAME                          STATUS
sample-backup-policy          Running
sample-backup-policy          Success

Since K10 processes API object changes asynchronously, to avoid confusion with a previous Policy status, it is recommended as convention that the status portion of the Policy is omitted when submitting changes.

Delete a Policy

You can delete a Policy using the following command.

# delete policy "sample-backup-policy" for K10 installed in "kasten-io"
$ kubectl delete policies.config.kio.kasten.io sample-backup-policy --namespace kasten-io
policy.config.kio.kasten.io "sample-backup-policy" deleted

# delete policy "sample-import-policy" for K10 installed in "kasten-io"
$ kubectl delete policies.config.kio.kasten.io sample-import-policy --namespace kasten-io
policy.config.kio.kasten.io "sample-import-policy" deleted

Policy Scheduling

Within the Policy API Type, K10 provides control of:

  • How often the primary snapshot or import action should be performed

  • How often snapshots should be exported into backups

  • Which and how many snapshots and backups to retain

  • When the primary snapshot or import action should be performed


The frequency portion of the policy spec indicates how often the primary policy action should be performed. On demand policies run only when the run once button is clicked or a RunAction is created.

The optional frequency portion of exportParameters indicates how often snapshots should be exported into backups. If not specified, every snapshot is to be exported.


The retention portion of the policy spec indicates which and how many snapshots to retain.

The optional retention portion of the export action allows exported backups to be retained independently from snapshots. If not specified, exported backups are retained with the same schedule as snapshots.


The optional backupWindow portion of the policy spec indicates when in the day the backup policy can be scheduled to run and by when any snapshot action must complete.

The start and end times of the backupWindow are specified by hour and minute. backupWindow length is limited to 24 hours. If the end time specified is earlier than the start time, this means backupWindow end time is in the next day.

The policy is scheduled to run once at the backupWindow start time. If the policy has an hourly frequency and the duration of the backupWindow exceeds 1 hour, the policy is also scheduled to run every 60 minutes thereafter within the backupWindow.

The snapshot action of the policy will be forcibly cancelled if it does not complete within the backup window. If the snapshot action completes within the backup window, no time restrictions are imposed on further actions such as snapshot export.


The optional enableStaggering portion of the policy spec indicates whether K10 may choose when within the backupWindow to schedule the backup policy to run.

This allows K10 the flexibility to stagger runs of multiple policies and reduce the peak load on the overall system.

The backupWindow is required when enableStaggering is set. The number of the scheduled policy runs within the backupWindow and the cancelling of in-progress snapshot actions at the end of the backupWindow are not affected by staggering.


By default:

  • Policies run once within the period of the frequency.

  • Hourly policies run at the top of the hour.

  • Daily policies run at midnight UTC.

  • Weekly policies run at midnight Sunday UTC.

  • Monthly policies run at midnight on the 1st of the month UTC.

  • Yearly policies run at midnight on the 1st of January UTC.

  • Snapshots and backups at those times are retained by the corresponding retention counts.

The optional subFrequency portion of the policy spec provides fine-grained control of when to run a policy, how many times to run a policy within a frequency, and which snapshots and backups are retained.

The frequency, subFrequency, backupWindow and retention interact as follows:

  • When backupWindow is set, the time of day setting from subFrequency is not allowed

  • backupWindow and subFrequency entries within the frequency indicate when the policy is to run

    • e.g. the minutes and hours subFrequency entries indicate the minutes and hours at which a policy with a daily frequency runs

    • e.g. backupWindow indicates the period of the day during which a policy with an hourly frequency runs

    • e.g. backupWindow indicates the period of the day and subFrequency indicates the certain days of the week during which a policy with a weekly frequency runs

  • subFrequency entries immediately within the frequency may have multiple values to run multiple times within the frequency

    • e.g. multiple minutes may be specified for an hourly frequency (without backupWindow being set)

    • e.g. multiple hours may be specified for a daily frequency (without backupWindow being set)

    • e.g. multiple days may be specified for a monthly frequency (while backupWindow can indicate the common period of the day)

  • subFrequency entries indicate which snapshots and backups graduate to higher retention tiers

    • e.g. for a policy with an hourly frequency, the hours subFrequency entry indicates the hour of day that will graduate and be retained as a daily

  • For subFrequency entries with multiple values, the first value indicates the time of the snapshot or backup to be retained by higher tiers

    • e.g. an hourly frequency with subFrequency minutes entry of [45, 15] will run twice an hour at 15 and 45 minutes after the hour, will retain both according to the hourly retention count, and will graduate the hourly taken at 45 minutes after the hour designated by the subFrequency hour entry to the daily tier and higher

  • When backupWindow is used, the start value indicates the time of the snapshot or backup to be retained by higher tiers

    • e.g. for a policy with an hourly frequency, the start of backupWindow indicates the time of day that will graduate and be retained as a daily

All time values in backupWindow and subFrequency entries in the API are in UTC.

If a subFrequency entry is omitted, it defaults as above (taking backupWindow into account, if set).

Advanced Backup Policy Examples

Scheduling frequency and retention

The following example illustrates how to use frequency, subFrequency, backupWindow and retention to create a backup policy that

  • creates snapshots every day between 22:30 and 07:00

  • exports the snapshot created on the fifteenth of the month

    • including exporting snapshot data to create a durable and portable backup

  • retains 14 daily snapshots

  • retains 4 weekly snapshots from 22:30 each Friday

  • retains 6 monthly snapshots from 22:30 on the fifteenth of each month

  • retains 12 exported monthly backups from 22:30 on the fifteenth of each month

  • retains 5 exported yearly backups from 22:30 on the fifteenth of January each year

This policy covers an application running in the namespace sampleApp.

apiVersion: config.kio.kasten.io/v1alpha1
kind: Policy
  name: sample-custom-backup-policy
  namespace: kasten-io
  comment: My sample custom backup policy
  frequency: '@daily'
    weekdays: [5]
    days: [15]
      hour: 22
      minute: 30
      hour: 7
    daily: 14
    weekly: 4
    monthly: 6
  - action: backup
  - action: export
      frequency: '@monthly'
        name: my-profile
        namespace: kasten-io
        enabled: true
      monthly: 12
      yearly: 5
      k10.kasten.io/appNamespace: sampleApp

For complete documentation of the Policy CR, refer to Policy API Type.

Export snapshots to a Veeam Backup Repository

Snapshot data of vSphere CSI provisioned volumes in supported vSphere clusters can be exported to a Veeam Backup Repository by adding a reference to a Veeam Backup Repository Location Profile in the blockModeProfile field of the exportParameters. Only snapshot data is saved in the Veeam Backup Repository. The remaining data associated with the K10 restore point is saved in the location profile identified by the profile field of the exportParameters.

A block level copy of the snapshot is backed up to the specified Veeam repository. Configuring Change Tracking on the vSphere cluster nodes is not mandatory, but if configured it does enable the use of more efficient incremental backups of just the changes between snapshots when possible, instead of full backups every time.

All of the persistent volumes of an application are associated with a single Veeam restore point, per invocation of the policy. When an exported K10 restore point is deleted, K10 will also delete the corresponding Veeam restore point for the exported snapshots. K10 always converts each Veeam backup into a synthetic full in order to support the K10 policy retention functionality that permits the deletion of K10 restore points in any order.

The following YAML illustrates how to create a policy that exports to a Veeam Backup Repository:

apiVersion: config.kio.kasten.io/v1alpha1
kind: Policy
  name: sample-vbr-export
  namespace: kasten-io
  comment: Sample backup and export to VBR policy
  frequency: '@hourly'
    hourly: 3
  - action: backup
  - action: export
        name: sample-profile
        namespace: kasten-io
        name: sample-vbr-profile
        namespace: kasten-io
        enabled: true
      frequency: '@hourly'
        daily: 7
        hourly: 24
        monthly: 12
        weekly: 4
        yearly: 7
      k10.kasten.io/appNamespace: sampleApp

The policy above maintains just 3 local restore points (and hence VMware snapshots) but uses a more sophisticated GFS retention policy for the exported restore points.

Policy API Type

The following is a complete specification of the Policy CR.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: config.kio.kasten.io/v1alpha1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Policy
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Policy name. May be any valid Kubernetes object name. Required.
  # Policy name is not mutable once created.
  name: sample-backup-policy
  # Policy names must be unique and as an alternative to name above
  # one can take advantage of Kubernetes auto name generation.
  generateName: backup-policy-
  # Policy namespace. Required. Can be namespace where K10 is installed
  # or the namespace of the application. If the namesace of the application
  # is selected, then the policy can protect only that application.
  namespace: kasten-io
# Policy parameters. Required.
  # User friendly comment describing the policy. Optional.
  # The name of the user who created the policy. Optional.
  # The name of the user who last updated the policy. Optional.
  # The hash of the policy spec block after the last modification made. Optional.
  # Selector for the application that the backup policy applies to.
  # Required for backup policy.
    # Standard Kubernetes set-based selector. Optional.
    # One of matchExpressions or matchLabels required.
    # When the namespace of the policy is the application's namespace,
    # the value in a matchExpression, matchLabel or both must match the
    # application's namespace. Only a single selector can be defined in
    # the matchExpression or matchLabel for application-scoped policies.
      # Standard Kubernetes set-based selector key.
      # 'k10.kasten.io/appNamespace' is a special label indicating that
      # the selector is targeting an application namespace
      # `kasten-io-cluster` is a special value for `k10.kasten.io/appNamespace`
      # that indicates that cluster-scoped resources should be backed up.
      - key: k10.kasten.io/appNamespace
        # Standard Kubernetes set-based selector operator.
        # Only In is supported
        operator: In
        # Array of values (labels on app names or wildcards) to use in the selector.
        # With this construct ANY value of the label key will match
        # Use this construct if creating a policy for multiple applications.
        - myApp
        - myApp-* (will select all apps beginning with myApp-)
    # Standard Kubernetes label selector. Optional.
    # One of matchExpressions or matchLabels required.
    # NOTE: Label selector that resolves to a given Kubernetes resource
    # will have the effect of selecting the entire application that the
    # resource belongs to
      # Map of label key and value pairs to match
      # 'k10.kasten.io/appNamespace' special label described above is supported
      # With this construct ALL labels must match for an object
      myLabelKey1: myLabelValue1
      myLabelKey2: myLabelValue2
  # Execution frequency. Required.
  # Allowable values: '@hourly', '@daily', '@weekly', '@monthly', '@yearly', '@onDemand'
  frequency: '@hourly'
  # Execution frequency modifier. Optional.
  # subFrequency specifies when to run and how many times to run within frequency.
  # subFrequency is not allowed for '@onDemand' frequency.
    # minutes within hour (0-59). Optional.
    # Multiple minutes valid only for '@hourly' frequency.
    # Multiple minutes values must all be multiples of 5 minutes.
    # First entry determines minute of daily and longer retention.
    # minutes are not allowed when backupWindow is set.
    minutes: [0,30]
    # hours within day (0-23). Optional.
    # Multiple hours valid only for '@daily' frequency.
    # First entry determines hour of weekly and longer retention.
    # hours are not allowed when backupWindow is set.
    hours: [0]
    # days within week (0-7 (Sun-Sun)). Optional.
    # weekdays not valid for '@monthly' or '@yearly' frequencies.
    # Multiple weekdays valid only for '@weekly' frequency. With '@weekly'
    # frequency, first entry determines day of monthly and yearly retention.
    weekdays: [0]
    # days within month (1-31). Optional.
    # days not valid for '@weekly' frequency.
    # Multiple days valid only for '@monthly' frequency.
    # First entry determines day of monthly and yearly retention.
    days: [1]
    # months within year (1-12). Optional.
    # Multiple months valid only for '@yearly' frequency.
    # First entry determines month of yearly retention.
    # Valid for '@yearly' frequency.
    months: [1]
  # Backup window. Optional.
  # backupWindow specifies the time period of the day when runs can occur within frequency and subFrequency.
  # backupWindow is not allowed for '@onDemand' frequency.
    # Start of the window. Required.
      # Hour within a day (0-23).
      hour: 22
      # Minute within an hour (0-59). Must be a multiple of 5.
      minute: 0
    # End of the window. Required.
      # Hour within a day (0-23).
      hour: 6
      # Minute within an hour (0-59). Must be a multiple of 5.
      minute: 30
  # Staggering can be enabled only when backupWindow is set. Optional.
  enableStaggering: false
  # Pause scheduled policy runs. Optional.
  paused: false
    # Number of retained artifacts for different frequencies. Required except
    # for '@onDemand' frequency.
    # The number of retained artifacts can only be specified for frequencies
    # of the same or lower granularity than the policy frequency. For example,
    # if the policy frequency is '@daily', then retention can have values for
    # 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly' and 'yearly', but not for 'hourly'.
    # If the policy frequency is 'hourly', then all retention values are
    # allowed. If the policy frequency is '@onDemand' then retention values
    # are not allowed.
    hourly: 24
    daily: 7
    weekly: 4
    monthly: 12
    yearly: 5
  # Actions executed by the policy. Required: at least one of backup or import.
  # Backup policy action.
  - action: backup
    # Optional backup parameters
      # Filters describe which Kubernetes resources should be included or excluded
      # in the backup. If no filters are specified, all the API resources in a
      # namespace are captured by the BackupActions created by this Policy.
      # Resource types are identified by group, version, and resource type names,
      # or GVR, e.g. networking.k8s.io/v1/networkpolicies. Core Kubernetes types
      # do not have a group name and are identified by just a version and resource
      # type name, e.g. v1/configmaps.
      # Individual resources are identified by their resource type and resource
      # name, or GVRN. In a filter, an empty or omitted group, version, resource
      # type or resource name matches any value.
      # Filters reduce the resources in the backup by selectively including and
      # then excluding resources.
      # - If includeResources is not specified, all the API resources in a
      #   namespace are included in the set of resources to be backed up.
      # - If includeResources is specified, resources matching any GVRN entry in
      #   includeResources are included in the set of resources to be backed up.
      # - If excludeResources is specified, resources matching any GVRN entry in
      #   excludeResources are excluded from the set of resources to be backed up.
      # For RestorePoint usefulness after BackupActions, K10 automatically
      # includes associated PVCs and PVs when a statefulset, deployment, or
      # deploymentconfig is included by includeResources unless the PVC is
      # excluded by excludeResources.
      # Backup policy that selects cluster-scoped resources may provide
      # optional filters that apply to any BackupClusterAction.
        # Include only resources that match any of the following NGVRs
          # Include individual resource
        - name: <resource1 resource name>
          group: <resource1 group>
          version: <resource1 version>
          resource: <resource1 type name>
          # Include resource type
        - group: <resource2 group>
          version: <resource2 version>
          resource: <resource2 type name>
        # Exclude resources that match any of the following NGVRs
          # Exclude specific instance of resource2 type
        - name: <resource2 resource name>
          group: <resource2 group>
          version: <resource2 version>
          resource: <resource2 type name>
        # Include only matching cluster-scoped resources
          # Include individual resource
        - name: <resource3 resource name>
          group: <resource3 group>
          version: <resource3 version>
          resource: <resource3 type name>
          # Include resource type
        - group: <resource4 group>
          version: <resource4 version>
          resource: <resource4 type name>
        # Exclude matching cluster-scoped resources
          # Exclude specific instance of resource4 type
        - name: <resource4 resource name>
          group: <resource4 group>
          version: <resource4 version>
          resource: <resource4 type name>
      # Optional: K10 Location Profile that is used for this backup
      # Profile used for Kanister-enabled operations and
      # Generic Storage Backups
        name: my-profile
        namespace: kasten-io
      # Optional: Ignore exceptions and continue if possible.
      # Snapshots with exceptions will be flagged as potentially flawed.
      # Default: false
      ignoreExceptions: false
      # Optional: Hooks are Kanister actions executed first or last in a BackupAction.
      # A Kanister ActionSet is created with the application namespace as its subject.
      # The Blueprint must be in the K10 namespace. Hooks do not use Location Profile.
        # The Kanister action referenced by preHook will be executed before
        # other phases of the BackupAction. Optional.
          blueprint: backup-hook-blueprint
          actionName: before-backup
        # The Kanister action referenced by onSuccess will be executed once all
        # other phases in the BackupAction have completed successfully. Optional.
          blueprint: backup-hook-blueprint
          actionName: on-success
        # The Kanister action referenced by onFailure will be executed only
        # when the BackupAction fails and exhausts all retries. Optional.
          blueprint: backup-hook-blueprint
          actionName: on-failure
  # Export action. Export can only be specified after a backup action.
  - action: export
      # How often should a backup be exported. This frequency has to be less
      # or equal than the policy frequency. For '@onDemand' policies this can only
      # be '@onDemand' or excluded. Optional.
      frequency: '@hourly'
      # K10 Location Profile that is used for this export. Required.
        name: my-profile
        namespace: kasten-io
      # The blockModeProfile is a reference to a profile that supports block based backup.
      # Optional. If set then a block mode backup of snapshot data will be performed
      # instead of a filesystem backup.
      # This should only be used when the infrastructure also supports block based backup.
        # Name of the location profile supporting block mode. Required.
        name: my-block-mode-profile
        # Namespace of the location profile (must be the K10 namespace). Required.
        namespace: kasten-io
      # Backup portability setting.
      # Convert volume snapshots into an infrastructure-independent
      # format.
        # Default setting for all storage classes
        enabled: false
        # Optional: Storage class to use for any temporary PVCs created
        # during the snapshot conversion process. If not specified, the
        # storage class of the source volume is used.
        exporterStorageClassName: gp2
        # Overrides for the default exportData setting specified above.
        # Use this if you want to modify the defaults for a PVC that
        # has a specific storage class.
            # Override setting of a specific storage class.
          - storageClassName: gp2
            enabled: false
          - storageClassName: gp2-eu-west-1a
            enabled: true
            exporterStorageClassName: io1
      # Volume snapshot destination region and account. Optional, or
      # with one of awsEbs or azure only.  Non-portable export only.
            - us-east-1
          # Destination Account name.
          destinationAccount: sample-destination-account
            - eastus
      # Optional: Hooks are Kanister actions executed first or last in an ExportAction.
      # A Kanister ActionSet is created with the exported namespace as its subject.
      # The Blueprint must be in the K10 namespace. Hooks do not use Location Profile.
        # The Kanister action referenced by preHook will be executed before
        # other phases of the ExportAction. Optional.
          blueprint: export-hook-blueprint
          actionName: before-export
        # The Kanister action referenced by onSuccess will be executed once all
        # other phases in the ExportAction have completed successfully. Optional.
          blueprint: export-hook-blueprint
          actionName: on-success
        # The Kanister action referenced by onFailure will be executed only
        # when the ExportAction fails and exhausts all retries. Optional.
          blueprint: export-hook-blueprint
          actionName: on-failure
      # Optional exported artifact retention. If not provided, exported
      # artifacts are retained by the policy retention table.
      # Number of retained export artifacts for different frequencies.
      # The number of retained artifacts can only be specified for frequencies
      # of the same or lower granularity than the exportParameters frequency.
      hourly: 24
      daily: 7
      weekly: 4
      monthly: 12
      yearly: 5
  # Import action.
  - action: import
    # Parameters available to import actions. Required.
      # K10 Location Profile that is used for this import. Required.
        # Profile name. Required.
        name: sample-profile
        # Namespace where the Profile CR resides. Required.
        namespace: kasten-io
      # Encoded string generated on Export. Required.
      receiveString: VGhpcyBpcyBhIHNhbXBsZSBleHBvcnQgc3RyaW5nLgo=
  # Restore action. Restore can only be specified after an import action.
  - action: restore
    # Optional restore parameters
      # Optional: set to true to only restore the application data.
      # Must be false if filters are specified.
      # Default: false
      dataOnly: false
      # Optional: set to true to restore imported cluster-scope resources
      # Default: false
      restoreClusterResources: false
      # Optional: Filters describe which Kubernetes resources should be restored
      # from the RestorePoint.  If no filters are specified, all the artifacts
      # in the RestorePoint are restored.
      # Filters reduce the resources restored by selectively including and then
      # excluding resources.
      # - If includeResources is not specified, all resources in the RestorePoint
      #   are included in the set of resources to be restored.
      # - If includeResources is specified, resources matching any GVRN entry in
      #   includeResources are included in the set of resources to be restored.
      # - If excludeResources is specified, resources matching any GVRN entry in
      #   excludeResources are excluded from the set of resources to be restored.
      # - In a filter, an empty or omitted group, version, resource type or
      #   resource name matches any value.
      # For precise control of RestoreActions, K10 only restores resources that
      # are explicitly included by includeResources. For RestoreActions, when a
      # statefulset, deployment, or deploymentconfig is included by includeResources,
      # K10 does not restore associated PVCs unless the PVC is included by
      # includeResources.
      # Restore action that selects cluster-scoped resources may provide
      # optional filters that apply to any imported ClusterRestorePoint.
        # Include only resources that match any of the following NGVRs
          # Include individual resource
        - name: <resource1 resource name>
          group: <resource1 group>
          version: <resource1 version>
          resource: <resource1 type name>
          # Include resource type
        - group: <resource2 group>
          version: <resource2 version>
          resource: <resource2 type name>
        # Exclude resources that match any of the following NGVRs
          # Exclude specific instance of resource2 type
        - name: <resource2 resource name>
          group: <resource2 group>
          version: <resource2 version>
          resource: <resource2 type name>
        # Include only matching cluster-scoped resources
          # Include individual resource
        - name: <resource3 resource name>
          group: <resource3 group>
          version: <resource3 version>
          resource: <resource3 type name>
          # Include resource type
        - group: <resource4 group>
          version: <resource4 version>
          resource: <resource4 type name>
        # Exclude matching cluster-scoped resources
          # Exclude specific instance of resource4 type
        - name: <resource4 resource name>
          group: <resource4 group>
          version: <resource4 version>
          resource: <resource4 type name>
      # Optional: Namespace where the application is to be restored.
      # Defaults to the namespace of the application in the imported
      # RestorePoint.
      targetNamespace: mysql
      # Only used with Kanister blueprints that support point-in-time restore
      # Value is the desired timestamp. Optional.
      pointInTime: "2019-02-11T05:13:10Z"
      # Optional: Hooks are Kanister actions executed first or last in a RestoreAction.
      # A Kanister ActionSet is created with the target namespace as its subject.
      # The Blueprint must be in the K10 namespace. Hooks do not use Location Profile.
        # The Kanister action referenced by preHook will be executed before
        # other phases of the RestoreAction. Optional.
          blueprint: restore-hook-blueprint
          actionName: before-restore
        # The Kanister action referenced by onSuccess will be executed once all
        # other phases in the RestoreAction have completed successfully. Optional.
          blueprint: restore-hook-blueprint
          actionName: on-success
        # The Kanister action referenced by onFailure will be executed only
        # when the RestoreAction fails and exhausts all retries. Optional.
          blueprint: restore-hook-blueprint
          actionName: on-failure
 # Report action.
  - action: report
    # Parameters available to report actions. Required.
      # Reports include metrics collected by the K10 Prometheus service
      # and queried over an interval up to the time of the Report.
      # The query interval must be non-zero and is calculated to be
      # (24 * statsIntervalDays) + statsIntervalHours.
      statsIntervalDays: 1
      statsIntervalHours: 0
# Status of the Policy. Users should not set any data here.
  # Validation status of the Policy
  # Valid values are:
  #   # Pending - policy has been created
  #   # Running - undergoing initialization and validation
  #   # Success - successfully initialized and validated
  #   # Failed - not properly initialized on validated
  # Only policies which have status of Success will be used by the system
  validation: Success
  # If action: ExportAction was specified and properly validate policy
  exportString: 'export string to use in import comes here'