
A Profile custom resource (CR) is used to perform operations on K10 Profiles. You can learn more about using K10 Profiles at Location Configuration.

Example Profile Operations

Create a Profile Secret

When creating a Profile, you first need to create a Kubernetes secret that holds the credentials for the location associated with the profile. The examples below use an S3 bucket and therefore requires a properly formatted S3 secret.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-s3-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --type \
      --from-literal=aws_access_key_id=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \

For complete documentation of secret formats, refer to Profile Secret Types.

Create an Object Store Location Profile

With a secret already defined, you can now create an Object Store Location Profile. Object Store location profiles can be used for import as well as export operations.

$ cat <<EOF >>sample-profile.yaml
kind: Profile
  name: sample-profile
  namespace: kasten-io
  type: Location
      secretType: AwsAccessKey
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        name: k10-s3-secret
        namespace: kasten-io
    type: ObjectStore
      name: profile-s3-bucket
      objectStoreType: S3
      region: us-east-2

$ kubectl apply -f sample-profile.yaml created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                    STATUS
sample-profile          Running
sample-profile          Success

For complete documentation of the Profile CR, refer to Profile API Type.

Create an Infrastructure Profile

The example demonstrates how to create a Ceph Infrastructure Profile, but an analogous approach applies to creating an OpenStack Profile.

First, create a secret with the Ceph provider credentials as described in Ceph KeyRing Secret.

$ cat <<EOF >>sample-ceph-profile.yaml
kind: Profile
  name: sample-ceph-profile
  namespace: kasten-io
  type: Infra
    type: Ceph
      pool: my-pool
      secretType: cephKeyring
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        name: k10-ceph-infra-secret
        namespace: kasten-io

$ kubectl apply -f sample-ceph-profile.yaml created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                         STATUS
sample-ceph-profile          Running
sample-ceph-profile          Success

For complete documentation of the Profile CR, refer to Profile API Type.

Create a Kanister Profile

Similarly to a Location Profile, you can create a Kanister Profile which is used to store artifacts generated for applications instrumented with a Kanister blueprint. K10 will currently use the earliest created Kanister Profile.

$ cat <<EOF >>kanister-profile.yaml
 kind: Profile
   name: kanister-profile
   namespace: kasten-io
   type: Kanister
       secretType: AwsAccessKey
         apiVersion: v1
         kind: Secret
         name: k10-s3-secret
         namespace: kasten-io
       type: ObjectStore
         name: profile-s3-bucket
         objectStoreType: S3
         region: us-east-2

$ kubectl apply -f kanister-profile.yaml created

# make sure it initializes and validates properly
$ kubectl get --namespace kasten-io -w
NAME                    STATUS
kanister-profile          Running
kanister-profile          Success

For complete documentation of the Profile CR, refer to Profile API Type.

Create a Veeam Backup Repository Location Profile

A Veeam Backup Repository Location Profile is used to export or import vSphere CSI provisioned volume snapshot data in a supported vSphere cluster from a Veeam Backup Repository. A Veeam Backup Repository cannot be used to save K10 restore points so such a location profile is always used in conjunction with another location profile that can be used to save restore point data.

This profile requires a secret whose creation is described in Veeam Backup Repository Secret. Once the secret has been created the Veeam Backup Repository Location Profile is created as follows:

$ cat <<EOF >>sample-vbr-profile.yaml
kind: Profile
  name: sample-vbr-profile
  namespace: kasten-io
  type: Location
      secretType: VBRKey
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
        name: k10-vbr-secret
        namespace: kasten-io
    type: VBR
      repoName: Default Backup Repository
      serverPort: 9419
      skipSSLVerify: true

$ kubectl apply -f sample-vbr-profile.yaml created

The repoName field specifies the name of the repository to use; it should not be an immutable repository. The serverPort and skipSSLVerify fields are optional. For complete documentation of the Profile CR, refer to Profile API Type.

Update a Profile

To update a Profile edit the spec portion of a Profile CR using your preferred method of submitting resource changes with kubectl.

$ kubectl apply -f sample-profile-changed.yaml configured

Once the change is submitted, K10 will re-validate the profile and update .status.validation accordingly.

$ kubectl get -w
NAME                    STATUS
sample-profile          Running
sample-profile          Success

Since K10 processes API object changes asynchronously, to avoid confusion with a previous Profile status, it is recommended as convention that the status portion of the Profile is omitted when submitting changes.

Delete a Profile

You can delete a Profile using the following command.

# delete profile "sample-profile" for K10 installed in "kasten-io"
$ kubectl delete sample-profile --namespace kasten-io "sample-profile" deleted

Profile API Type

The following is a complete specification of the Profile CR.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Profile
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Profile name. May be any valid Kubernetes object name. Required.
  # Profile name is not mutable once created.
  name: sample-location-profile
  # Profile namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Profile parameters. Required.
  # Type of Profile. Required
  # Valid values are Location, Kanister, Infra
  type: Location

  # Only one of the profile type sections can be specified
  # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
    # Credentials associated with profile location. Required.
      # Type of secret being specified. Required.
      # Valid values are:
      #   # AwsAccessKey (Amazon S3 and Generic S3)
      #   # GcpServiceAccountKey (Google Cloud Storage)
      #   # AzStorageAccount (Azure Storage)
      #   # VBRKey (Veeam Backup & Replication Storage)
      secretType: AwsAccessKey
      # Reference to K8s secret with credentials of secretType. Required.
        # Standard Kubernetes API Version. Must be 'v1'. Required.
        apiVersion: v1
        # Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Must be 'secret'. Required.
        kind: secret
        # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
        name: sample-profile-secret
        # Secret namespace. Must be K10 installed namespace . Required.
        namespace: kasten-io
    # Location for profile data. Required.
      # Type of location being specified. Required.
      # Valid values are ObjectStore, FileStore, VBR
      locationType: ObjectStore
      # When the type above is ObjectStore. Required.
      # Only one of the location type sections can be specified
        # Type of object store. Required
        # Valid values are:
        #   # S3 (Amazon S3 and Generic S3)
        #   # GCS (Google Cloud Storage)
        #   # Azure (Azure Storage)
        objectStoreType: S3
        # The endpoint for object store API. Optional.
        # Can be omitted unless an S3 compatible provider is used.
        endpoint: ''
        # If set to true, do not verify SSL cert. Optional.
        # Default, when omitted, is false
        skipSSLVerify: false
        # Name of the object store bucket. Required
        name: gmm-test
        # Region valid for the object store provider.
        # Required, if supported by provider.
        # If provider does not support region, pass ""
        region: us-east-2
        # Path within bucket for profile artifacts. Optional.
        # If not used, it will be generated by the system and
        # updated during delayed initialization and validation.
        # If used, it requires pathType below as well.
        path: k10/q4ees3b2zilluaxw/migration
        # Type of the path within the bucket above. Optional.
        # Defaults to Directory if not specified.
        pathType: Directory
        # The protection period for immutable backups. Optional.
        # Must be shorter than the bucket default retention
        # period minus 20 days.
        protectionPeriod: 240h
      # When the type above is FileStore. Required.
      # Only one of the location type sections can be specified
        # Name of the Persistent Volume Claim. Required.
        claimName: test-pvc
        # Path within the PVC mount for profile artifacts. Optional.
        # If not used, it will be generated by the system and
        # updated during delayed initialization and validation.
        path: k10/q4ees3b2zilluaxw/migration
      # When the type above is VBR. Required.
      # Only one of the location type sections can be specified
        # Address of the Veeam backup server. Required.
        serverAddress: vbr-server
        # VBR server RESTful API port number. Optional.
        # Defaults to 9419 if not specified.
        serverPort: 9419
        # Name of the target Veeam cloud repository for backup files. Required.
        repoName: k10-repo
        # Identifier of the target Veeam cloud repository for backup files. Optional.
        # Reserved field for internal use. Once the profile is created,
        # this field will contain the ID of the repository specified in the repoName field.
        repoId: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
        # If set to true, do not verify SSL cert. Optional.
        # Default, when omitted, is false.
        skipSSLVerify: false
    # Optional: Make export to this profile infra-portable.
    # Default: false
    infraPortable: false

  # When type above is Kanister - Kanister profile. Required.
  # Only one of the  profile type sections can be specified
  # K10 currently only uses the oldest valid Kanister profile
  # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
    # Credentials associated with profile location. Required.
      # same content as credential in location above
    # Location for profile data. Required.
      # same content as location in location above

  # When type above is Infra - Infrastructure profile. Required.
  # Only one of the following profile type sections can be specified
  # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
    # type of Infrastructure profile. Required
    # Valid values are OpenStack, Ceph, Portworx, VSphere, AWS or GCP
    type: OpenStack
    # When type of this Infra profile above is OpenStack. Required.
    # Only one of the following infra profiles can be specified
    # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
      # Endpoint for the Keystone auth provider. Required
      keystoneEndpoint: https://my-keystone-ip:1234

    # When type of this Infra profile above is OpenStack. Required.
    # Only one of the following infra profiles can be specified
    # NOTE: camelCasing of the key is important
      # Endpoint for the Ceph monitor to be used. Required.
      # Name of the Ceph pool associated with this profile. Required.
      pool: my-ceph-pool
      # The namespace of the Portworx service.
      namespace: kube-system
      # The name of the Portworx service.
      serviceName: portworx-service
      # The vSphere endpoint
      # Enable vSphere snapshot tagging
      taggingEnabled: true
      # The Category Name, automatically set when tagging is enabled.
      categoryName: exampleCategory
    # Credentials associated with the infrastructure provider. Required.
      # Type of secret being specified. Required.
      # Valid values are:
      #   # OpenStackAccount (OpenStack storage provider)
      #   # CephKeyring (Ceph storage provider)
      #   # PortworxKey (Portworx storage provider)
      #   # VSphereKey  (vSphere storage provider)
      #   # GcpServiceAccountKey  (GCP/GCS storage provider)
      #   # AwsAccessKey  (AWS storage provider)
      secretType: OpenStackAccount
      # Reference to K8s secret with credentials of secretType. Required.
        # Same format as above
        # #####################
# Status of the Profile. Users should not set any data here.
      # Validation status of the Profile
      # Valid values are:
      #   # Pending - profile has been created
      #   # Running - undergoing initialization and validation
      #   # Success - successfully initialized and validated
      #   # Failed - not properly initialized on validated
      # Only profiles which have status of Success should be used
      validation: Success
      # An array of any validation or initialization errors encountered.
      error: null
      # Hash of the spec portion of the profile.
      # Used internally to determine when successfully validated profiles
      # need to be reprocessed.
      hash: 3369880242

Profile Secret Types

The following are the different secret types and formats to be used with profiles.

AWS S3 and S3 Compatible Bucket Secret

When a Profile is using an S3 or S3-compatible bucket location, the credential secret must follow the format below. In order to use temporary security credentials, you can generate an IAM role and provide it as a part of the S3 secret as shown below. K10 supports the generation of temporary credentials to perform generic backups, export collections to an object store, and for EBS/EFS snapshot operations.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-s3-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for key with proper permissions for the bucket
  aws_access_key_id: QUtJQUlPU0ZPRE5ON0VYQU1QTEUK
  # Base64 encoded value for the secret corresponding to the key above
  aws_secret_access_key: d0phbHJYVXRuRkVNSS9LN01ERU5HL2JQeFJmaUNZRVhBTVBMRUtFWQo=
  # (optional field) Base64 encoded value for AWS IAM role
  role: YXJuOmF3czppYW06OjAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDpyb2xlL2Zha2Utcm9sZQo=

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-s3-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --type \
      --from-literal=aws_access_key_id=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \

GCS Bucket Secret

When a Profile is using a GCS Storage bucket location the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-gcs-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for project with proper permissions for the bucket
  project-id: bXktcHJvamVjdC1pZAo=
  # Base64 encoded value for the SA with proper permissions for the bucket
  # This value is base64 encoding of the service account json file when
  # creating a new service account.
  service-account.json: <base64 encoded SA json file>

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows. The example assumes that GCP service account json with the proper permissions for accessing your bucket is in your working directory.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-gcs-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=project-id=my-project-id \

Azure Storage Bucket Secret

When a Profile is using an Azure Storage bucket location the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-azure-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Azure Kubernetes secret type. Required.
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for account with proper permissions for the bucket
  azure_storage_account_id: QUtJQUlPU0ZPRE5ON0VYQU1QTEVBQ0NUCg==
  # Base64 encoded value for the key corresponding to the account above
  azure_storage_key: d0phbHJYVXRuRkVNSS9LN01ERU5HL2JQeFJmaUNZRVhBTVBMRUtFWQo=
  # Base64 encoded value for the storage enevironment.
  # Can be left empty. Acceptable values are AzureCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureUSGovernment, AzureGermanCloud
  azure_storage_environment: QXp1cmVVU0dvdmVybm1lbnRDbG91ZA==

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-azure-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --type \
      --from-literal=azure_storage_account_id=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLEACCT \
      --from-literal=azure_storage_key=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY \

Ceph KeyRing Secret

When an Infrastructure Profile is being configured for Ceph storage access the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-ceph-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for the client.user to be used with the Ceph provider
  # The value should not include the 'client' portion of the user name.
  ceph_user: Y2VwaC11c2VyCg==
  # Base64 encoded value for the (already base64 encoded) keyring file to be used
  # with the user.
  ceph_keyring: <base64 encoded key ring file>

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-ceph-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=ceph_user=sample-ceph-user \

OpenStack Account Secret

When an Infrastructure Profile is being configured for accessing storage that support the Open Stack Cinder interface the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-openstack-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for an OpenStack user name to use with provider
  os_username: b3MtdXNlcm5hbWUK
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack password
  os_password: b3MtcGFzc3dvcmQK
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack domain
  os_domain: b3MtZG9tYWluCg==
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack project
  os_project: b3MtcHJvamVjdAo=
  # Base64 encoded OpenStack region
  os_region: b3MtcmVnaW9u

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-openstack-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=os_username=my-os-username \
      --from-literal=os_password=my-os-password-user \
      --from-literal=os_domain=my-os-domain \

Portworx Key Secret

When an Infrastructure Profile is being configured for accessing storage that supports the Portworx interface, the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-portworx-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for a Portworx jwt issuer.
  pwx_issuer: cHd4X2lzc3Vlcg==
  # Base64 encoded value for a Portworx jwt secret.
  pwx_secret: cHd4X3NlY3JldA==

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-portworx-infra-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=pwx_issuer=my-pwx-issuer \

vSphere Key Secret

When a vSphere infrastructure profile is being configured the credential secret must follow the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-vsphere-infra-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for a vSphere user.
  vsphere_user: dnNwaGVyZV91c2Vy
  # Base64 encoded value for a vSphere password.
  vsphere_password: dnNwaGVyZV9wYXNzd29yZA==

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows.

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-vsphere-infra-secret \
      --namespace kasten-io \
      --from-literal=vsphere_user=my-vsphere-user \

Veeam Backup Repository Secret

A Veeam Backup Repository Location Profile requires a credential secret in the format below.

# Standard Kubernetes API Version declaration. Required.
apiVersion: v1
# Standard Kubernetes Kind declaration. Required.
kind: Secret
# Standard Kubernetes metadata. Required.
  # Secret name. May be any valid Kubernetes secret name. Required.
  name: k10-vbr-secret
  # Secret namespace. Required. Must be the namespace where K10 is installed
  namespace: kasten-io
# Standard Kubernetes secret type. Must be Opaque. Required.
type: Opaque
# Secret data payload. Required.
  # Base64 encoded value for the Veeam server account name.
  vbr_user: QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcg==
  # Base64 encoded value for the password.
  vbr_password: UEFTU1dPUkQ=

Alternatively, the secret can be created using kubectl as follows:

$ kubectl create secret generic k10-vbr-secret \
  --namespace kasten-io \
  --from-literal=vbr_user=Administrator \